
Thursday, September 6, 2018

#DisinfoReview: “Not the murderer, but the murdered is guilty!”

As our favourite parody account Darth Putin frequently reminds us, one of the most repeated disinformation tactics is to accuse your counterpart precisely of what you are doing yourself. The aggressor presents himself as the victim and thus strengthens his core internal audience. External audiences that want to defend the aggressor get the “line to take” they can repeat in their local media, discussion forums and other information channels. And external audiences from the non-expert community (and sometimes even some solid mainstream media) receive an “alternative fact” that makes it harder for them to distinguish what is the truth, and what is an attempt to hide the facts and mislead.
Thus, as Russia has been preparing for the biggest military exercise since 1981 and was expected to resume airstrikes on the Syrian city of Idlib, pro-regime disinformation-oriented outlets were flooding the information space with groundless accusations, focusing on two regions: Syria and Ukraine.

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