
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Volodymyr Groysman: Rooting out "schemes" at the border is my commitment and principled position

A resolute struggle against smuggling and the "schemes" of import of unbonded goods is my commitment and a principled position, Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman said in an interview with the Obozrevatel newspaper, commenting on the plans to secure the transparency of state borders.
The Head of Ukraine’s Government reminded that the previous year additional payments to the budget from overcoming "conspiracies" and "schemes" at the customs had amounted to UAH 70 billion. But this, as it turned out, is inexhaustible cash flow. "Many continue to earn a fortune from smuggling. I see it my mission to prevent smugglers lining their pockets from customs and direct this money to the State Budget", said Volodymyr Groysman.

According to him, large trafficking is the phenomenon in which the merger of structures, in particular of law enforcement and the authorities, takes place. "It is impossible avoiding a customs officer, an SBU officer, a prosecutor, an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to develop and introduce smuggling schemes. Therefore, I appealed to all law enforcement officers to overcome these phenomena", the Head of Government noted. "I am glad that in this regard I have clear positions of the Minister of Internal Affairs and the Chief of the National Police. Indispensable here is the role of the head of the Department for Combating Crime in the Economy Sector Ihor Kupranets, we have the consent of Myroslav Prodan from the SFS. They will work in synergy with the Government. I was assured of support by Vasyl Hrytsak, the head of the SBU ... I also appealed to NABU with a request to intensify work in this direction."
The Prime Minister noted that we possess sufficient amount of tools for struggle aimed to minimize the existing risks. Among them - a complete interaction between the SFS and the Department for Combating Crime in the Economy Sector, mutual access to databases, exchange of information, joint inspection of goods to detect the facts of underevaluation or to import goods bringing those in the "empty" by the declarations filled vehicles, cooperation with border and customs services of other countries, installation of a network of scanners.
"I'm not going to stand by and look at the mess. I am responsible for protecting the national interests", Volodymyr Groysman stressed and added all the facts and persons caught would be made public. "I count on the leaders of all the structures to engage in stopping smuggling flows - this applies to all law enforcement agencies."
The Head of Government emphasized that due to the launched actions, the "collaborates in schemes" will now resist and create all kinds of information attacks. But the ultimate goal of the struggle is to serve the state and "be straight in our deeds in the face of a Ukrainian soldier on the frontline or a pensioner."

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