
Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The energy two-step: first forward, now backward

An anti-Ukrainian comeback in all areas of the energy sector is one way to call what’s been going on in Ukraine’s fuel and energy complex (FEC) over the past year. In the interests of Rinat Akhmetov’s business empire and corrupt business schemes for the supply of energy from Russia by other oligarchic entities, and with the active support of government agencies, a number of phenomena have been picking up pace:
(1) artificial restrictions on the production of inexpensive power at the country’s AESs and the obstruction of diversified supplies of nuclear fuel for them;
(2) artificial increases in power generation at TESs or CHPs operating on anthracite imported almost exclusively from the Russian Federation, including coal from Russian-occupied ORDiLO;
(3) the obstruction of a switch from coal to coal gas at such TESs;

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