
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Small privatization in Ukraine

Prime Minister about the launch of small privatization: I am interested in the process being open, transparent and competitive
The process of privatization in Ukraine, which starts on the basis of new legislation and using innovative tools, namely, the mechanisms of the ProZorro platform, should be conducted in an open, competitive and transparent manner. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman during his visit to the ProZorro office in Kyiv.

This week, ProZorro will launch a sale of non-strategic assets for the state's economy, and the system has already registered its first lots. The launch of small privatization is coordinated by the Interdepartmental Working Group on Privatization.
"Our Government was pioneer to trigger this process. I'm interested in process being open, transparent and competitive, and the whole country must be aware of that", urged Volodymyr Groysman. "It used to be that they were keeping objects that are not strategic for the economy, in order to somehow once to buy or sell something. We have taken on to change it, are breaking the old system and direct everything possible to ProZorro platform. Any entrepreneur will see what is sold and will buy the necessary premises, some object avoiding acquaintance with the leadership of a district or region. "
The Head of Government stressed that the effective sale of assets is a great assistance for small and medium-sized businesses, and hence it entails the development of territories and upturn of the economy.
"I see my mission in supporting the team with all the tools that I have, in order to clean up the layers of problems that have not been resolved for decades and were making the country weaker. But now we have a great opportunity. Let the sales begin with the first 18 bids. Then there will be thousands of them. Our task is to make this ‘then’ become a reality as soon as possible", said Volodymyr Groysman.
Under the Law "On Privatization of State and Communal Property", which came into force in March, small privatization would take place through ProZorro.Sales. The assets of state and communal property worth up to UAH 250 million fall into this category. To put up objects within the framework of small privatization is within responsibility of the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU), as well as local authorities.
The first object within the frames of small privatization was the two-storeyed building of the non-operating dental clinic in the center of Zhytomyr. It was offered for privatization by the Department for Management and Privatization of Communal Property of Zhytomyr Municipal Council in the platform, certified by ProZorro. Immediately after that, Lviv and Izmail registered their first small-scale privatization objects.
The Interdepartmental Working Group on Privatization headed by the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Oleksandr Saienko is reponsible for effective coordination among authorities, preparation of recommendations and proposals for the draft resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on privatization and terms of sale of state-owned property, as well as drawing of international financial and technical assistance in the process of preparing for privatization and offering objects for sale. The Group engages in analyzis of the provision of transparent and competitive privatization. Apart from representatives of the Secretariat of the Government, the Ministries and the State Property Fund, the working group comprises representatives of the CMU Reforms Delivery Office, SAGSUR Strategic Advisory Group for Supporting Ukrainian Reforms, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Monetary Fund, the International Finance Corporation, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine.

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