
Monday, July 16, 2018

Joe Biden: Today's presser was "beneath the dignity of the office of the President"

Former Vice President Joe Biden said President Trump's remarks at a joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin "do not reflect what Americans think and who we are."
In a statement, he said today's news conference between Trump and Putin was "beneath the dignity of the office of the President."

“Today our President had the chance to confront an adversary who has attacked — and continues to attack — our democracy and our allies. He could have stood up for American interests and values. He chose not to. Instead, he embraced our number one adversary, blamed America rather than Russian aggression for the deterioration in our bilateral relations, trashed his own justice department, and put Putin’s word above that of our own intelligence community whose leaders he appointed.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry also issued a statement about Trump's meeting, saying the President "surrendered lock, stock and barrel to President Putin's deceptions about the attacks on America's democracy."

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