
Friday, June 15, 2018

The fight against corruption in Ukraine: public opinion

  • An absolute majority of the population (83%) believes that the fight against corruption in Ukraine is not successful, with 50% saying it is a total failure. Nine percent perceive the fight against corruption as successful, with only 1% saying this fight is a complete success. Compared with December 2017, the share of positive assessments shrunk by 6% and the share of negative assessments rose by 3%.
  • A significant portion of the population (48%) do not see any institution that is actively fighting corruption in Ukraine. The remaining portion of the population views as actively combating graft foremost the media and journalists (26%), and anti-graft civil society organizations (18%). Next is the National Anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine (11%), the public (10.5%), individual politicians and civic activists (10%), and Western countries (6%). 

 Read the full article here

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