Tuesday, June 5, 2018

I invite you to be co-authors and co-founders of Ukrainian success - President at a meeting with Spanish businessmen

During his official visit to Spain, President Petro Poroshenko met with representatives of Spanish business.
The Head of State informed about the reforms Ukraine conducts to create comfortable conditions for investors and business. In particular, the President noted stabilization of the macroeconomic situation and restoration of economic growth, stabilization of banking and financial sector, judicial reform and energy sector reform, decentralization and deregulation, infrastructure development, creation of transparent conditions for privatization.

"Ukraine is the right place and time for investment. We are very interested in the growth of investments" - the Head of State emphasized.
"I invite you to be co-authors and co-founders of Ukrainian success. I am sure that this is a good thing", - added the President.
The Head of State also told about the results of negotiations with the Spanish Prime Minister. "It is important and symbolic that the first meeting of the new Prime Minister was with the Ukrainian delegation. This is a good sign, and I am very grateful for this" - the President said.

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