
Friday, May 25, 2018

We need to make such changes so that the request to invest in Ukraine will be a proposal difficult to refuse - Ukrainian President to investors at the National Investment Council

At the meeting of the National Investment Council, President Petro Poroshenko urged business to invest in Ukraine.
"Friends, now, during these four years, a new state, a new Ukraine, is being born. And I invite you to become the founding fathers of the new state. When else will you have such an opportunity? It is important to decide what changes to implement so that my request to invest in Ukraine will become a proposal difficult to refuse," he said.

The Head of State emphasizes that international financial institutions, Ukrainian partners and business representatives publicly stated that in the last 3-4 years Ukraine had implemented significantly more reforms than in all the previous years of independence. "Such a high assessment is pleasing. However, there is one problem and a very significant one. Most Ukrainians do not share this optimism of our western partners. Social being determines consciousness. And I understand that my fellow citizens will feel positive about the reforms when the economic crisis, mainly caused by the war, will be overcome, when the standard of living will not just reach the prewar level, but exceed it. Until then, whatever we may do, it is unlikely to receive a proper assessment," the President noted.
He added: "What should a responsible government do in response to all this? It should act more actively, act decisively. Work more efficiently. The economy should grow faster". According to the Head of State, the pace of reforms and economic growth rates of 5-6-7% are absolutely real, the number of highly paid and highly skilled jobs should increase. "Only then the space for populism will become smaller," he said.
"At a new stage, when we are finally moving from survival to development, we urgently need investment, new factories and new jobs with decent salaries. Ukraine is a large, capacious and extremely promising market," Petro Poroshenko stressed. The President makes every effort to integrate the Ukrainian market into a powerful single European space.
The President says that Ukraine is an extremely promising place for investment. The Head of State thanked companies that supported Ukraine with investments - Cargil, Bunge, Arcelor Mittal, Turkcell, General Electric, DP World, as well as the EBRD, the International Finance Corporation, etc.
"Of course, we need interaction. Interaction during investment projects. I am sure that this interaction should be wider," the President said. According to him, investors can become extremely effective communicators, including in the international business environment: "Reporting the truth about what is really going on in Ukraine, telling the truth about the success story of Ukraine, the investment attractiveness of Ukraine, the European identity of Ukraine and, of course, the European future of Ukraine".

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