
Monday, May 21, 2018

Ukraine has its own way to God and it is not through Moscow - President on giving the Tomos to the Ukrainian church

"Bykivnia - this land, this forest, where, for several years, the Soviets have been burying innocent people in the fraternal graves. This land is a silent witness of the Great Terror," President Poroshenko said during a speech at the ceremony commemorating the victims of political repressions.
Petro Poroshenko says that, according to historians, it is probably somewhere here, among the tens of thousands of victims, the body of Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivsky rests. "I hope that somewhere in heaven, the lord’s soul, who put the issue of autocephaly on the agenda one hundred years ago, hears our prayers to God about giving the Tomos to an independent, autocephalous, Orthodox and, most importantly, Ukrainian church," he said.

The Head of State reminded that during his presidency he had repeatedly met with His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. "My appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarch on granting the Tomos of Autocephaly to the Orthodox Church in Ukraine was supported by a convincing majority of people's deputies. And I am grateful for that. Likewise, all the Metropolitans and Bishops of the UOC-KP, UAOC and others also addressed the Ecumenical Patriarch. On the basis of these appeals, the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate has decided to begin consideration of the issue of granting the Tomos to the Ukrainian church," the President emphasized.
"The way of Ukrainians to God does not go through Moscow. We have our own way. I am convinced that the Tomos of Autocephaly given to our Ukrainian Church will complete the assertion of independence of Ukraine in spiritual dimension. It will also strengthen our national security, because it will automatically weaken the country-aggressor’s influence on domestic Ukrainian affairs," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.
The President also stressed: "The state is now consistently pursuing a state policy aimed at restoring and preserving the historical memory of the Ukrainian people, ensuring the observance of the ideals of humanism and democracy, human and civil rights and freedoms. I will continue this work exactly as much as the Lord allows and as long as my people, which is the only source of power in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, allow that".

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