Friday, May 11, 2018

Slovenia will support all sanctions against Russia unless it complies with the Minsk agreements - meeting between the Presidents of Ukraine and Slovenia

"Discussing the situation in Crimea, we have once again confirmed that the temporary occupation of the Ukrainian territory by the Russian Federation is a gross violation of international law. And I want to emphasize that we very much appreciate the position of Slovenia," President Petro Poroshenko said during a meeting with media representatives following the negotiations with the President of Slovenia.

"We have just received a message as a result of our intensive coordination with our European Union partners, including Slovenia, that on May 8, the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the EU has made a decision, in accordance with the decision of the Council of the EU, on restrictive measures imposed for undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine. And this legal act adds those who took direct part in organizing and conducting illegal elections of the President of the Russian Federation in the territory of Crimea in the list of individual sanctions," the President of Ukraine said.
The Head of State thanked the EU partners for this decision and reported on the meeting with the President of France, Chancellor of Germany, other European leaders during his visit to Germany.
"Yesterday I had an opportunity to express gratitude to the leaders of European countries in Aachen. These were German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President of France Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Lithuanian President, leaders and members of the governments of many other European countries. And today, I also want to thank our friend and partner Slovenia and its President for a sincere support of Ukraine," Petro Poroshenko said.
The Slovenian President expressed hope that the leaders of the European Union would "meet President Putin very soon and each of them will convey respective message to the President".
"The degree of trust between the Russian President and the leaders of the European Union has been staggered," Borut Pahor said and noted the role of the Ukrainian President, who "conveyed the right point of view".
"I sincerely hope that the Russian President will agree and he will have to adhere to and comply with the Minsk agreements," the President of Slovenia said and stressed the importance of yesterday's meeting of the President of Ukraine with the Chancellor of Germany and the President of France before "their meetings with Putin".
"Sanctions are needed. Slovenia will fully support all sanctions, if Russia does not comply with the Minsk agreements. This is the only tool we have and can manage to achieve the goal,” the President of Slovenia noted. At the same time, he stressed that "we do not have much time". "We are convinced that sanctions are necessary," Borut Pahor summed up.

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