
Monday, April 23, 2018

President: We, Ukrainians and the state of Ukraine do not fear Russia

“We, Ukrainians and the state of Ukraine do not fear Russia. We have been proving this for four years during a totally bloody aggression. Russia sheds blood on the Ukrainian soil - and today it's thousands and thousands of Ukrainians killed and wounded as a result of the Russian military aggression,” President Petro Poroshenko noted on the program "Freedom of Speech" on ICTV channel, answering the question about the fact that experts apprehend possible bloodshed in the event of the creation of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church and separation from the Moscow Patriarchate.
The Head of State stressed: "The world calls it a hybrid war. The hybrid war is not only the armed forces that entered the Ukrainian land". He also stressed that now the term "Russian aggression" has entered not only Ukrainian legislation, but also international documents.

“They do not have to scare us. We are a very responsible nation and we do not let the situation inside the country to be destabilized when they would like to shed blood,” Petro Poroshenko said.
He recalled the prevented provocations with the participation of a well-known people's deputy, "who brought weapons to Ukraine with Russian agents and discussed whether 400 or 1,000 people should die in order to start chaos in Ukraine". "We will not give them any reason to discredit Ukraine in this way," the President said.
The Head of State also appealed to the patriotic forces: "We must act extremely responsibly in order to demonstrate that there is freedom of conscience in Ukraine, there is freedom of belief".
"If someone wants to visit a church whose center is outside of our country in Russia, this is their right. And nobody has the right to forbid visiting,” he said.
He also emphasized the importance of the Verkhovna Rada’s decision in support of his appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarch. "It was important to have the appeal of the President and Parliament, which unites an absolute majority of all political forces, both from the authorities and from the opposition. In fact, only one political force opposed this decision having turned out to be a fifth column," he said.
"It is very important that the Parliament managed to keep calm despite the provocations of individual political forces. They hoped for the bloodshed in the Parliament on that day, so that the whole world would see it," the President noted.
"And look how responsible the Ukrainian people's deputies were. I want to thank the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada for the decision to support my appeal to the Ecumenical Patriarch," he added.

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