
Friday, March 16, 2018

Petro Poroshenko: Crimea is Ukraine. And the elections of the Ukrainian President will be held there

President Petro Poroshenko informs that the European and American partners support Ukraine in the non-recognition of the so-called elections of the Russian President in the annexed Crimea.
“European and American partners support us in the non-recognition of the so-called elections of the Russian President in the annexed Crimea that will take place the day after tomorrow. Everything is simple. Crimea is Ukraine,” the Head of State said.

“It must take part and sooner or later will take part in the elections of the Ukrainian President,” Petro Poroshenko emphasized.
According to him, instead of the Russian Anschluss, there will be the Ukrainian return - Crimea's return to Ukraine and Ukraine’s return to Crimea. “Crimea, just as the Donbas, was, is and will be Ukrainian. This is just as obvious as the fact that the Earth is round and rotates around the Sun and its own axis,” the Head of State noted.

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