
Saturday, April 1, 2017

Robots in the parliament? Yes! They are in Ukraine already.

A working meeting of Ukrainian parliament chairman Andrew Parubyi  with the CEO "Ukrainian technique" Isaac Asimov was held on 01.04.2017.

The parties have agreed to replace the 10 people's deputies of Ukraine by 10 Robots - the production of company "Ukrainian smart technique".

This change is justified - said the head of the Ukrainian parliament. The fact that these 10 people's deputies were constantly passed session of Parliament. I hope that robots as a surrogate Deputies will help increase the efficiency of the Ukrainian parliament, - Speaker has assured.

In turn, General Director of "Ukrainian smart technique" convinced that the latest robot's model  "Kozak-1M" is world class and quite competitive.

Also, the company plans to develop a model of "Getman-2U" - a substitute for the head of the Ukrainian Parliament, said Isaac Asimov after meeting.

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