Thursday, February 2, 2017

Press Release regarding the continuing deterioration of the situation in Donbas

We once again express deep concern over the continuing spike in hostile activities of the Russian-terrorist forces in Ukraine’s Donbas.
Since January 28, the Russian occupation forces have been carrying out massive attacks across the contact line killing Ukrainian soldiers and civil citizens with all available weapons, including MLRS "Grad", artillery of 152 mm and 122 mm, mortars of 120 and 82 mm, tanks, all prohibited by the Minsk agreements, and small arms.

Civilians, including children, continue to suffer because of the shelling of the residential areas. The cities of Yasinovata and Avdiyivka remain fully cut off from electricity by shelling. More than 400,000 civilians in the region have no access to water, electricity and heating. Given harsh weather conditions (air temperature at around minus 20 degrees Celsius) and the continuing shelling by the militants, the situation in the area is a real humanitarian catastrophe.
Besides, taking into consideration the negative impact of this situation on the Avdiyivka by-product coke plant, the criminal actions of the Russian-terrorist forces can cause an ecological disaster.
The Government of Ukraine takes measures directed at minimizing negative impacts of the Russia’s aggressive actions: more than 12 thousand people are being evacuated to the nearest towns; fire safety of the Avdiyivka by-product coke plant is being protected.
The continuing escalation of violence in Donbas is a clear sign of Russia’s obvious disregard for international law and its commitments under the Minsk agreements.
We once again demand from the Russian Federation to cease hostilities immediately and to comply strictly with the Minsk agreements.

We request our international partners to support Ukraine against the dangerous escalation initiated by Moscow in Donbas.

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