
Monday, January 23, 2017

Meeting of the two Presidents: Ukraine and Estonia are reliable partners

In the course of the official visit to Estonia, President Petro Poroshenko had a meeting with President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid. The two Presidents also chaired the bilateral negotiations on a wide range of issues of the Ukraine-Estonia relations.

During the common press statement, the Ukrainian President expressed gratitude to the President of Estonia for a firm and principled position in support of Ukraine’s independence and its European and Euro-Atlantic prospect.
The Head of State emphasized the importance of the visit in the first months of tenure of Kersti Kaljulaid at the post of President. He noted that the visit was a symbol of respect and priority attached by Estonia to its relations with Ukraine.
“We really appreciate this respect and share this approach,” Petro Poroshenko said. According to him, Estonia is the country that helps our state the most per capita.
The Head of State praised consistent support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and thanked the Estonian party for supporting our country in the issue of countering the lasting Russian aggression.
“The firm position of Estonia, along with the EU, in support of Ukraine’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence, non-recognition of the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia, strong condemnation of the Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine. We are very grateful for these positions that strengthen our strategic alliance,” Petro Poroshenko stressed.
The President underlined the contribution of Estonia to the OSCE SMM activity.
He expressed gratitude to Estonia for the rehabilitation of 40 Ukrainian servicemen in the best healthcare institutions of Estonia. “This is another form of support appreciated by Ukraine,” the President said.
Petro Poroshenko emphasized the importance of cooperation in the sphere of security, including the NATO format. He thanked Estonia for the participation in the NATO Trust Fund. He also stressed the importance of bilateral cooperation in the sphere of cybersecurity.
Answering the question of journalists about possible change in the policy of sanctions of the U.S. after the election of the new President, the Head of State noted: “Our position: first, Ukraine fears nothing. Second, we are ready to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity against the invasion of the aggressor, including the Russian one. Third, international, European and Transatlantic solidarity is based on values, not zones of influence”.
“In such conditions, when Ukraine is an object of the Russian aggression, we firmly believe in the world, European and Transatlantic solidarity of our partners with Ukraine up to the liberation of the Ukrainian territories from the Russian aggressor, full withdrawal of Russian troops and armament, as well as restoration of control over the Ukraine-Russia border,” Petro Poroshenko stressed.
Answering the question about the hostages illegally detained by Russia, the President emphasized that “only consolidated efforts of the whole world on the liberation of Ukrainian, Estonian and other hostages illegally detained in Russian prisons today can change the situation and help them return home”. “We are willing to carry out consolidated and decisive action in respect of Ukrainians, Estonians and citizens of other countries,” the President said.
Petro Poroshenko reminded that a few weeks ago, Ukraine had conducted a unilateral liberation of 15 detainees. “Unfortunately, there have been no steps in response,” the President noted.
President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid emphasized that the parties had discussed the situation in the east of Ukraine and the necessity of compliance with the Minsk agreements. They also discussed the importance of preserving sanctions against Russia until full implementation of the Minsk agreements and international obligations by Russia. “We discussed that the integrity of Ukraine must be observed. We will keep on adhering to the policy of non-recognition of the annexation of Crimea,” the President of Estonia informed.
“Ukraine will further remain a priority state. We insist that every country and nation has a right to determine the vector of movement. The world cannot be divided into spheres of influence,” the President of Estonia stressed.
Kersti Kaljulaid congratulated the Ukrainian delegation on the 25th anniversary of the Ukraine-Estonia diplomatic relations. “We have a good cooperation in various spheres. And we share a common understanding of policy in this region,” she said.

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