Monday, January 2, 2017

Federica Mogherini: Twelve things to bring with us in 2017

The thing № 11 - In Easter Europe, on the side of reforms and of citizens

It was a year of constant work to support reforms, growth, peace, and stability at the Union’s eastern borders. First and foremost in Ukraine, with a great common effort to reform the country, fight corruption, and of course to get to the full implementation of the Minsk agreements, ending the conflict in the country’s east. 

With Ukraine and Georgia we took important steps towards visa liberalisation. 

And the work goes on with all our Eastern partners – Moldova, Belarus, Armenia and Azerbaijan – towards the summit dedicated to our Easter partnership that will take place in Brussels this year. 

We do this in full respect of the history, the priorities and the political choices of each country and society. 

This is a partnership for reforms, for our citizens, not a partnership “against” someone – on the contrary, this is an important element towards a larger regional cooperation.

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