
Friday, January 27, 2017

45 things Donald Trump has done in first seven days as US president

The billionaire New Yorker has lost no time in implementing his vision of how to 'make American great again'

Jon Sharman 

Becoming US President would be the high point of anyone's week.

Since entering office Donald Trump has repeatedly made false claims about trivial matters despite clear evidence to the contrary, fallen foul of the United Nations over his planned freeze on resettling refugees and seen his staff spell Theresa May's name incorrectly three times the day before she became the first foreign leader to meet him as President.

It has been a busy few days for the 45th President to enter in the Oval Office. Here are 45 things Mr Trump has done since he was sworn in:

Friday 20 January

  • Used his inauguration speech to promise the "forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer", and that "every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families"
  • Made two inaccurate statements about the weather and the size of the crowd at his inauguration, at two different official functions
  • Danced to Frank Sinatra's My Way with First Lady Melania Trump
  • Called his critics "enemies"
  • Used his first executive order to direct the government to begin dismantling Obamacare
  • Deleted pages from the White House website

Saturday 21 January

  • Earned the ire of former CIA director John Brennan and, reportedly, serving agents, with a "despicable display of self-aggrandisement" during a speech in Langley when he talked up the size of his inauguration crowd. But he also told staff: "I am so behind you"
  • Told the CIA it might have "another chance" to seize Iraq's oil reserves. It was a recycled campaign remark and experts were unsure how seriously to take it. The country's prime minister was clear that "Iraq's oil is constitutionally the property of the Iraqis"
  • Ordered his press secretary, Sean Spicer, to make demonstrably false claims in his first ever White House press briefing. Spicer also told journalists: "We're going to hold the press accountable. The American people deserve better"
  • Watched hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets around the world in Women's Marches that protested his sexist campaign statements
  • Misspelled "honoured" in a tweet
  • Personally called the director of the National Park Service about the inauguration photos

Sunday 22 January

Monday 23 January

Tuesday 24 January

  • Banned Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Agriculture and other staff from talking to the press
  • Gained low approval ratings for his first two days in office. Gallop found 45 per cent of Americans approved of his early performance, compared to 67 per cent for Barack Obama and 57 per cent for George W Bush. Mr Trump called the poll "rigged"
  • Signed executive orders to advance the construction of the controversial Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines
  • Asked the press to keep from publishing stories about Mr Trump's children, likely meaning 10-year-old Barron, his son with First Lady Melania. A statement said: "It is a longstanding tradition that the children of Presidents are afforded the opportunity to grow up outside of the political spotlight"
  • Threatened Chicago he would "send in the feds" if the city did not address gun violence. The Chicago Police Department later disputed the figures he had used

Wednesday 25 January

Thursday 26 January

Friday 27 January

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