
Monday, December 26, 2016

Don’t Say You Are an Entrepreneur

Running a business is stressful and agonizing. Pexels

I stopped sleeping for fifteen years the first day I left my full-time job to go to my own business, which had been operating already for 18 months.
I worked all day at my full-time job and then all night at company, along with my dozen or so employees.

I stopped having friends for at least eight years. I lost two houses and a marriage while an entrepreneur.
I started scratching my back. I couldn’t help myself. One girl who saw me said, “you know, that makes you look ugly.”
My back looks like it’s been whipped. My children used to be revolted when I gave them piggyback rides in the ocean.
Running a business is stressful, agonizing, and often leads to thoughts of suicide.
A) 85 percent of entrepreneurs fail.
The 15 percent who succeed are close to random.

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