
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

President: Ukraine is the most Euro-optimistic country of Europe

President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that the Revolution of Dignity had drawn the line under the Russian Soviet past and the post-Soviet period of development of the Ukrainian state.
“It has set clear demarcation line in space and time. Marked a distinct border, which separates and alienates our Ukrainian, European world from their “Russian world”,” Petro Poroshenko said at festivities on the occasion of the Day of Dignity and Freedom.

“Ukraine is the most Euro-optimistic country in Europe,” the President noted. He emphasized that certain countries of the EU were overwhelmed with Euroscepticism and urged to learn from Ukrainians “how to love Europe, fight for European values and reform the state”.
The President recalled the events of 2013 when the first group of unconquered “came to the cold granite in the center of the Ukrainian capital” without any politicians.
“They had very simple requirements. They did not demand the increase of salaries or reduction of taxes. Their demands were pretty brief – to sign the Association Agreement with the EU and not to block natural movement of our state towards Europe. That is why our historic Maidan was called European,” the Head of State noted.
According to him, over the past three years after the Euromaidan, Ukraine has faced severe challenges: “We have lost the best ones. We have endured numerous disappointments. But we never give up because we know that the country is on the right way”.
The President emphasizes that the experience gained tempers and leaves no doubts about our victory. “Today, Ukraine and Europe are much closer to one another than three years ago. This means that plans and requirements of the Euromaidan are being implemented,” he added.
The President noted impressive progress in the development of civil society in Ukraine. “Volunteers and activists do not only reinforce Ukrainians as political nation, but also fulfill an important function of guardians of democracy. Authorities of all levels feel powerful civil control and respond to the key remarks adequately,” he emphasized.
Petro Poroshenko informed that he would depart to Brussels on Thursday to attend the Ukraine-EU Summit. The President emphasized that Ukraine had fully implemented 144 items of the Visa Liberalization Action Plan and proved to the whole world its capability of implementing the European-oriented reforms of any complexity.
The Head of State reminded that a week before, the EU Council had unanimously approved the decision to recognize full implementation of all commitments by Ukraine and declared political will of the Union and all its members to provide the visa-free regime for Ukraine.
The President called the abolition of the visa regime a “fall of another barrier in our single civilizational space” and noted that the establishment of the visa-free regime had a profound symbolism. “This symbolism means further rapprochement of Ukraine and the EU,” Petro Poroshenko said.
The Head of State also noted that his negotiations with leaders of the EU states and institutions provided grounds to predict that a mutually acceptable compromise between Ukraine, the EU and the Netherlands would be found and the Association and FTA Agreement would be ratified. Herewith, he added that the Agreement had already brought the result – the EU’s share in our foreign trade amounts to 41% today.
“The EU market starts to compensate for the enormous blow to the Ukrainian economy, social sphere and level of life made by Russia that unleashed the war, shut down access of the Ukrainian goods to its market and blocked transit to other countries,” he said.
The President expressed gratitude to the leaders of democratic countries, especially of USA, Germany, France, UK, Italy and Spain for solidarity with Ukraine and their decision to prolong sanctions against Russia until termination of aggression against Ukraine. “I hope that such an approach will be the basis for the decision of the EU Council on the continuation of sectoral and economic sanctions against Russia,” Petro Poroshenko noted.
The Head of State drew attention to the destabilizing influence of Russia on the political situation in a series of European countries and disruption of European unity: “Russian authoritarian regime, which killed democracy in its own country willingly takes advantage of democratic tools to achieve its goals outside of Russia. And not only in Ukraine, but also in the entire Europe”.

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