
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Corporate Governance Reform: Green Paper (PDF)

One of Britain’s biggest assets in competing in the global economy is our deserved reputation for being a dependable and confident place in which to do business.

Our legal system, our framework of company law and our standards of corporate governance have long been admired around the world.

During the last few years there have been a number of proposals – including from organisations representing business – to update our corporate governance framework.

This Green Paper seeks views on three areas where we want to consider options for updating our corporate governance framework:

• First, on shareholder influence on executive pay, which has grown much faster over the last two decades than pay generally and than typical corporate performance;

• Second, on whether there are measures that could increase the connection between boards of directors and other groups with an interest in corporate performance such as employees and small suppliers; and

• Third, whether some of the features of corporate governance that have served us well in our listed companies should be extended to the largest privately-held companies at a time in which different types of ownership are more common.

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