
Friday, October 7, 2016

Washington DC hosted sixth meeting of the U.S.-Ukraine Trade and Investment Council

On October 5, in Washington DC took place sixth meeting of the U.S.-Ukraine Trade and Investment Council. In the opening remarks of the meeting, Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA Valeriy Chaly underlined the importance of close intergovernmental cooperation with the United States aimed to find new approaches for development of strong economic partnership between our countries.
Ukrainian governmental delegation headed by First Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Yuliya Kovaliv included Head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine Roman Nasirov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine – Trade Representative of Ukraine Nataliya Mykolska, Head of State Food Safety and Consumer Protection Service Volodymyr Lapa, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Kaznacheyeva Nadiya, Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine for European Integration Olga Trofimtseva and Head of Department of Digital Economy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Lena Minitch.

In the framework of the meeting Ukrainian delegation held constructive discussions with American counterparts on business and investment climate in our country, trade facilitations, extension of access to US market for Ukrainian exporters and necessary regulatory approximation. Moreover there were discussed issues of US-Ukraine cooperation in agriculture and energy spheres. Ukrainian officials presented their vision on priorities in reform agenda including privatization, corporate governance and protection of intellectual property rights.
Both sides confirmed their strong position to continue joint efforts in order to support reforms in Ukraine and to build up mutually beneficial economic relationship.

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