
Saturday, October 22, 2016

UWC creates Committee in Support of the Economic Development of Ukraine

In accordance with a resolution of the Annual General Meeting of the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) held 25-27 August 2016, the UWC has created the Committee in Support of the Economic Development of Ukraine. UWC Vice President Olena Koszarny has been appointed Chair of this new Committee and UWC Treasurer Zenon Potichny has been appointed as the first member of this Committee.

The Committeein Support of the Economic Development of Ukraine will work with Ukrainian communities throughout the world in coordinating efforts to engage the international community to support reforms and promote Ukraine’s economic development globally.

This initiative will work to increase international trade opportunities for Ukraine, recommend practical measures to enhance the investment climate in Ukraine and attract foreign direct investment to the country, while also promoting the immense potential of Ukraine and its people.

“The Ukrainian World Congress firmly supports the reforms being implemented by Ukrainian authorities and believes that the UWC Committee in Support of the Economic Development of Ukraine will, in very practical terms, contribute to strengthening international support for Ukraine’s democratic development and economic growth,” stated UWC President Eugene Czolij.

 “The structural reforms that are in process are critical to Ukraine’s continued macroeconomic stability and to a return to economic growth and prosperity for the Ukrainian people. It is important for Ukrainians to feel the support of the 20 million-strong Ukrainian diaspora as they apply best efforts to i) export high‑quality local products worldwide; ii) attract investments to modernize and access new markets, iii) create jobs, and iv) grow their family incomes. I am honored to lead this Committee and call on our members to contact the UWC to join our initiative. We look forward to working with government, stakeholders, investors and community to contribute to Ukraine’s economic transformation,” said Olena Koszarny.  

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