Thursday, October 6, 2016

Ukrainian President: High-quality textbook must be elaborated to study Ukrainian history

President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that the history of Ukraine had been distorted in Soviet times.
“Even today we have to work over the Ukrainian history textbook,” the Head of State said answering the question about the role of middle and high school in the formation of historical consciousness of Ukrainians.

He added that the Government set the given issue as a top priority.
The Head of State believes the interest in history and studying it depends on the teacher. “It is important for history students to be able to think and draw conclusions from the very first year of study. And then to protect these conclusions. As they say - if you convince yourself, you can convince others,” Petro Poroshenko emphasized.
The President has also stressed the importance of efficient information policy. In particular, the President spoke about the special NATO trust fund on strategic communications and the project to create a powerful Russian-speaking Pan-European channel at the cost of the EU funds, which would provide the alternative information. He noted that Russian TV channels distorted facts and promoted Euroscepticism. "Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent for the so-called Russian strategic communications".
The Head of State urged Ukrainian historians to communicate truth in public. “The winner is the one who tells the truth,” he said.

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