
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on the interim results of the Joint Investigation Team criminal investigation into the downing of flight MH17

The tragedy of flight MH17, in which so many lives were lost just over two years ago, remains a constant source of sorrow and sadness for the European Union.

Today's interim results of the independent criminal investigation, presented by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), demonstrate that important progress has been made, answering many questions that have borne heavily on those who lost their loved ones on 17 July 2014. The JIT's work as regards individual suspects continues; it is crucial that the investigators can complete their work, independently and thoroughly. 

To ensure that those responsible for the downing of MH17 are held accountable and brought to justice, the criminal investigation needs the continuing support of the international community. All States that are in a position to assist the investigation and prosecution of those responsible must do so, as demanded by UN Security Council Resolution 2166.

The European Union reiterates its full support for the work of the JIT and welcomes the progress made by the countries involved on an effective prosecution mechanism. The victims of MH17, their friends and their families deserve independent, fair and transparent justice to be served.

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