
Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Start-Up Chile

Start-Up Chile is a program created by the Chilean Government that seeks to attract early-stage, high-potential entrepreneurs to bootstrap their startups using Chile as a platform to go global.  The end goal of this program is to position Chile as the innovation and entrepreneurship hub of Latin America.

Start-Up Chile has a large portfolio, receiving in between 200 – 250 companies a year. This deal flow is represented by 3 distinct programs based on the stage of the startup.

    • The S Factory: Pre-acceleration program for startups in early concept stage focusing in female founders. Selected companies receive $10 million CLP (around USD$14K) equity free and 3 months acceleration. Two rounds a year of 20-30 companies each.

    • SeedAcceleration program for startups with a functional product and early validation. Selected companies receive $20 million CLP (around USD$30K) equity free and 6 months acceleration. Two rounds a year of 80-100 companies each.

    • ScaleFollow-on fund for top performing startups that are incorporated in Chile, have traction and are looking to scale in LATAM and globally. Selected companies receive $60 million CLP (around USD$86K) equity free with the condition that they incorporate and open operations in Chile. Two rounds a year of 20-30 companies each.

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