
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Poroshenko's e-declaration includes over 100 firms, UAH 62 mln in income for 2015

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has included over 100 companies and UAH 62.162 million in income in his electronic declaration for 2015; according to the online system of the national registry of government officials' assets declarations.

Of the above mentioned sum, UAH 121,000 was his salary, the e-declaration said. What is more, the president reported his revenue from interest was UAH 12.3 million and investment revenue totaled UAH 59.2 million.

According to the 2015 assets declaration, the president owned 104 companies in Ukraine, Spain, Cyprus, the British Virgin Islands, the Netherlands, Hungary, Lithuania, China, Poland, and Russia. He keeps UAH 540,000, $26.3 million and EUR 14,300 in bank accounts. He also has UAH 900,000 and $60,000 in hard cash. Poroshenko also declared $3.8 million and UAH 1.1 million as lent to third persons. Deposits in credit unions and other non-banking financial organizations amounted to UAH 8.1 million. The president's wife, Maryna Poroshenko, deposited UAH 71,100 and EUR 8,900 in bank accounts.


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