
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Kyiv to work on spreading term "Russian aggression" in intl documents

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said Ukrainian diplomats will be working on spreading the term "Russian aggression against Ukraine" in official international documents.
"Right now, during the consultations with the EU leadership, I am confident we will spread the use of the term," Poroshenko said talking to students and teachers of the Ostroh Academy in Zhytomyr region on Thursday.

According to him, during his recent visit to Oslo, Norway, the term "Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine" was used in a joint statement of the president of Ukraine and the prime minister of Norway. In addition, thanks to the coordinated work of Ukrainian MPs and diplomats, the PACE resolution also included term "the Russian aggression in Ukraine."
"I would like to stress what we have is not ATO [the anti-terrorist operation]. We have Russian aggression against our independent sovereign state," Poroshenko said.

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