
Monday, September 26, 2016

Ukrainian President: Huge army supplied by Russia is located in occupied territories of eastern Ukraine

In the interview to CNN TV channel, President Petro Poroshenko told about the Russian military presence in the occupied territories of eastern Ukraine and specified the number of military equipment.
There are more than 700 Russian tanks, more than 1,250 artillery system, more than 1,000 armed personnel carrier, more than 300 multi-rocket launch system in the occupied areas of Donbas.
According to the President, it is a huge army supplied by Russia, which keeps the occupied territories and attacks Ukraine.

The Head of State brought an example when Ukrainian military detained 22 Russian paratroopers in August 2014 answering the question about Russians often telling “there are no Russians in eastern Ukraine”.
“We demonstrated them to the whole world. Their parents asked me, as President, for mercy and their return. At the end of the day, when we showed their tanks, military IDs, uniform, Russian authorities claimed they had lost their way,” Petro Poroshenko added.
The Head of State told that those men hadn’t just “got lost”. They have moved 72 kilometers inside Ukraine killing Ukrainian civilians and military, providing an offensive operation. The President called such actions an aggression. Petro Poroshenko emphasized that the given information had been confirmed by lots of testimony of Russian soldiers in the court.

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