Saturday, September 3, 2016

President of Ukraine and Vice President of European Commission coordinated positions on joint actions aimed at ensuring energy security of Ukraine and EU

President Petro Poroshenko met with Vice President of the European Commission for Energy Union Maroš Šefčovič.
The Head of State thanked the EU and the European Commissioner personally for the constant support for Ukraine and stressed the importance of energy independence from Russia.

According to the President, Ukraine stays committed to further introduction of reforms in the energy sphere under its obligations within the Energy Community Treaty and the Association Agreement with EU. “The President, Government and Parliament closely coordinate the issue of prompt approval of reformatory draft laws in the energy sphere,” Petro Poroshenko assured. The Head of State urged the European Commission to make a contribution to the Energy Efficiency Fund of Ukraine.
The Vice President of the European Commission noted Ukraine’s work in the introduction of the energy reform and stressed the importance of its implementation. Maroš Šefčovič assured that the EU would further support Ukraine in its European integration.
The parties agreed to complete approval of the Memorandum on strategic partnership in the energy sphere between Ukraine and the European Union that would open opportunities for the participation of Ukraine in the Energy Union of the EU.

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