
Sunday, September 25, 2016

Harvard Management Compamy Inc.: September 2016 Annual Endowment Report Message from Robert A. Ettl, President and CEO (PDF)

I write to share with you the endowment’s investment results for fiscal year 2016, and to report on HMC’s activities to reposition the portfolio and to strengthen HMC as an organization. I also provide an update on our strategic asset allocation process and conclude with comments about our outlook for the future.

For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2016, the return on the Harvard endowment was (2.0)%, resulting in a relative return to its benchmark of (300) basis points.

The value of the endowment on June 30, 2016, was $35.7 billion. The low interest rate environment and market volatility of the past fiscal year presented a number of challenges to generating returns.

However, we recognize that execution was also a key factor in this year’s disappointing results.

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