
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Foreign ministers of the member states of the Joint Investigation Team on the downing of MH17 flight met in New York

September 20th the ministers of Foreign Affairs of Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, Ukraine and the Netherlands met in New York to discuss the ongoing efforts to establish justice with regard to the downing of flight MH17 on July 17 2014 which cost the lives of 298 people.

The ministers represent the countries whose investigation authorities cooperate in the criminal investigation, which was called for in UNSC resolution 2166 (2014).

The ministers recalled the demand by the Security Council, in resolution 2166, and the determination of their own governments, that those responsible for the downing be held accountable. They further recalled the Security Council’s demand that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability.

In this regard, the ministers reiterated their strong support for the international and independent investigation conducted by the Joint Investigation Team, which will present its interim results on the 28th of September.

The ministers also discussed the progress made with regard to a prosecution mechanism, given the veto in the UNSC in July 2015 for a UN-tribunal. The countries remain fully committed to take effective measures to hold those who are responsible to account. There must be justice for the families and loved ones of those killed on MH17.

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