
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Flight MH17 investigators to pinpoint missile launch in rebel-held Ukraine

Report expected to say Buk missile was fired from separatist-held area in Ukraine and its launcher smuggled back to Russia

A piece of the wreckage at the crash site of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 near the village of Petropavlivka in Donetsk region. Photograph: Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters

An international criminal investigation into the shooting down of flight MH17 is likely to conclude that the plane was downed by a Buk missile fired from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine, diplomats say.

The Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) has been gathering evidence for a possible criminal trial and is due to present its interim findings on Wednesday. Dutch police and prosecutors have been working with judicial colleagues from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia and Ukraine.
The report follows an earlier inquiry by the Dutch Safety Board. It concluded a missile fired by a sophisticated Buk surface-to-air system struck the Malaysia Airlines aircraft as it flew from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. It exploded next to the cockpit. All 298 people on board were killed.

Flightpath of MH17

17 July 2014
Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 took off from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport at 1030 GMT
en route to Kuala Lumpur. The plane was shot down near Grabovo at 1321 GMT

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