
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Burisma starts drilling another three wells at Rakytnyanske field

The International Energy Group Burisma has started drilling another three wells at the Rakytnyanske field in the framework of its 2016 Investment Program. It is the company's largest field in terms of production volumes. Two out of three new wells will be exploratory, whereas the third will serve for industrial purposes, with expected daily production rate of 300,000 m³.

The International Energy Group Burisma has started drilling another three wells at the Rakytnyanske field in the framework of its 2016 Investment Program. It is the company's largest field in terms of production volumes. Two out of three new wells will be exploratory, whereas the third will serve for industrial purposes, with expected daily production rate of 300,000 m³.

Both exploratory wells will be directional with a 35° angle and depths varying between 4,520 to 4,400 m. Comprehensive geophysical and geochemical well studies will be conducted to estimate oil & gas potential. A technical well is planned to be drilled at a depth of 4,450 m. Drilling in this area is associated with geological complexities and requires care and precision due to small reserves. "Drilling of three more wells is yet another proof that we continue our investment program in Ukraine, as the Ukrainian market remains essential for the Group. We engage top drilling equipment manufacturers in the country, conducting geophysical studies in order to develop licensed areas most efficiently," noted CEO for Ukrainian Operations Taras Burdeinyi.

According to him, Burisma owns the largest private hydraulic fracturing fleet and best-in-class seismic equipment in Ukraine. In addition, modern technique of simultaneous gas extraction from two separate reservoirs – double-row tubing – will be applied at two wells at the Rakytnyanske field. For more detailed information please contact our press center:


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