
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Abe camp to seek lawmaker-initiated legislation to pave way for Emperor’s abdication

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s administration may seek legislation by submission of bipartisan bills to enable 82-year-old Emperor Akihito to retire, rather than bills sponsored by the government, lawmakers in the administration said Thursday.

The idea is being floated among members of the administration because unanimous or close to unanimous passing of such bills based on a broad agreement by the ruling and opposition parties would be more consistent with the Constitution compared with the government-sponsored bills, the lawmakers said.

The Constitution stipulates that the emperor’s position derives from “the will of the people with whom resides sovereign power.”

Currently, only posthumous succession is effectively allowed, as the 1947 Imperial House Law that sets out rules for Imperial affairs lacks a provision regarding abdication. Amendments of the law or creation of a special law would thus be necessary to enable the aging Emperor to vacate the throne.

The administration is considering special legislation effective only for the current emperor.

But, as the main opposition force, the Democratic Party, and the Japanese Communist Party insist that amendments of the Imperial House Law should be made, coordination among both the ruling and opposition camps is expected to be a major challenge to realize the legislation. The opposition parties say the amendments should be considered to make abdication a permanent system.

The Emperor last month expressed hopes to abdicate in the future, voicing concerns in a rare video message to the public that he could one day become unable to fulfill his role as the symbol of the state because of his advanced age.

Before beginning legal procedures, the government has set up an advisory panel to discuss the potential abdication. The discussion is expected to begin as early as mid-October.

After receiving proposals from the panel, speakers of the Upper and Lower Houses are expected to ask for opinions from representatives of the ruling and opposition parties.

The lawmakers said they intend to form the bills as the administration and the parliamentary officials coordinate over them.

While some members of the administration said the government should submit the bill, a senior member of the Abe administration said, “It’s desirable to clearly show the will of the Diet, which represents the Japanese people, through legislation initiated by lawmakers.”

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