
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Volodymyr Groysman: Government will offer shortly a new system enabling to restore justice in payment of wages and pensions

In the near future the Government will propose a system that will provide an opportunity to restore social equality in payment of wages and pensions for Ukrainian citizens. This was stated by Prime Minister of UkraineVolodymyr Groysman opening the Government’s meeting on Tuesday, August 23.

"The time has come when we can offer the option of how to solve the issue to enable payment of decent salaries for the Ukrainian citizens, and to restore social justice in pension provision. This is our principal objective”, said Volodymyr Groysman. “Soon we’ll present, instead of populist steps, real tools that people will feel".

According to him, the wages of Ukrainian citizens are undervalued. "Our goal is to offer shortly a new system that will allow us to restore justice for working people", said the Prime Minister.

In particular, according to him, it is crucial to de-shadow wages, to destroy the system of leveling, to give the opportunity to build a high quality retirement scheme, “so that Ukrainian pensioner, and they are millions of people, could understand that if he/she works he will get decent pension, and it will be guaranteed by the state."

The Prime Minister expressed his belief that proposals regarding solving of these issues will bring to elaboration of a shared position and will have the support of unions.

"It is important to ensure that we could allow for all the views and present [a common variant –ed.] to the Ukrainian society, and we will do it together with the support of factions of the coalitions of the Parliament, parliamentary factions ready to support such necessary decisions, together with the President," he said.

Volodymyr Groysman announced that day there would be approved a General agreement with trade unions that had not been signed by Government throughout 5 years.

"Now we will do it. It's not just the deal that we just sign technically, it means our joint commitment that we will implement in order to protect the rights of ordinary Ukrainian citizen", he noted.

"What is our mission? Decent jobs, decent wages, retirement age - decent pensions. I think the time has come when we are capable of solving all these problems and we’ll do it", promised Volodymyr Groysman.

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