
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Single Window system at the customs initiated by Volodymyr Groysman is ready to provide service to enterprises

The Single Window system, which on the initiative of the Prime Minister of Ukraine has been introduced by the State Fiscal Service at the customs since 1 August, is ready to provide service to enterprises.

"Even before August 1, our IT experts had completed the elaboration of the required software and run it. Moreover, administrators of related services were familiarized with peculiarities of operation of the system. We provided usernames and passwords to the administrators of these services, so they have full access to the system," said Chairman of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov.

He also said that to get acquainted with the functioning of the new system tomorrow there will take place the presentation of the work of the Single Window at the customs post "Stolychny" for the media.

"The Single Window is one of the most effective tools to simplify customs procedures during import-export operations and transit operations. It is fully automated, allows you to submit documents one time in one place and minimizes contacts with civil servants", added the Chairman of the SFS.

Recall the Single Window was launched at the customs on 1 August. The Single window system aims at establishing a single electronic data base enabling various controlling authorities and customs offices to automatically exchange data on consignments passing the border of Ukraine and on the results of their inspection.

The system is being implemented in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 364 dated May 25, 2016 “On selected issues related to the implementation of the “Single Window” procedure for customs, sanitary, epidemiological, veterinary, phytosanitary, ecological, radiological and other kinds of state control”. The above Decree also sets the procedure for information exchange between fiscal authorities, other state agencies and companies by using electronic data transfer tools.

The Governmental ordinance was developed to implement an order by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, who initiated the introduction of a single window principle at the Ukrainian customs. The Head of Government stressed that the reform of the customs bodies in line with standards of the European Union, simplifying of customs procedures and increasing revenue from customs are among priority objectives in retrofitting the customs authorities.

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