
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Ukrainian President signed Law on AFU Special Operations Forces

In the course of the meeting with special operations warriors, President Petro Poroshenko signed Law №4795 on Amendments to Several Laws of Ukraine on Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

“Today is an important and solemn day for the Ukrainian Special Operations Forces. This is the result of a joint and coordinated work of many people. Today, we sign the law completing the establishment of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” Petro Poroshenko said.
The Head of State emphasized that “it is absolutely important in conditions of protection of Ukraine from the aggression unleashed by the Russian Federation against us” and called that law a “demand of time for the defense of Ukraine to become much more efficient”.
The President noted that the issues of state defense, security and defense reform, supply of modern armament and equipment were the top priorities during his international meetings and visits. The Head of State emphasized that “our partners from USA, Canada and EU pay special attention to the special operations forces in the context of joint training”.
The law has been elaborated under the NATO standards and fully meets the tasks of the Ukraine-NATO cooperation in the context of the SOF establishment. It also complies with the provisions of the Strategic Defense Bulletin.
According to the President, Ukraine has already established the special center and elaborated special training programs that allow fast and qualitative training of special operations forces.
“In 2014 special operations forces had nothing except morale. Look at the work we’ve done over the past two years. Our special operations forces will definitely prove themselves,” Petro Poroshenko noted.
The President congratulated representatives of the Special Operations Forces on the establishment of a new separate kind of troops of the Armed Forces and stated that those units enjoyed great trust and respect among Ukrainians.

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