
Monday, July 11, 2016

Theresa May: We’re going to make a success of Brexit

Incoming British prime minister says ‘Brexit is Brexit’ and pledges to ‘forge a new role for ourselves in the world.’

LONDON — Theresa May promised to “build a better Britain” in her first public appearance since it was announced she will be the next U.K. prime minister.

May, who will take over as Tory leader and prime minister from David Cameron on Wednesday evening, said she was “honored and humbled” to be given the biggest job in British politics. The home secretary paid tribute to Andrea Leadsom, her rival for the leadership until she dropped out of the race earlier on Monday — “for the dignity she has shown today” — and to Cameron — “for the leadership that he has shown to our party and our country.”

“During this campaign my case has been based on three things,” she said. “First, the need for strong, proven leadership to steer us through what will be difficult and uncertain economic and political times, the need, of course, to negotiate the best deal for Britain in leaving the EU, and to forge a new role for ourselves in the world. Brexit means Brexit, and we are going to make a success of it.”

“Second, we are going to unite our country and, third, we need a strong, new positive vision for the future of our country, a vision of a country that works not for the privileged few but that works for everyone of us. Because we are going to give people more control over their lives. And that’s how, together, we will build a better Britain.”

Earlier, Cameron gave details of his departure from office after six years. He said he would chair his last Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, and on Wednesday take part in his last Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons.

“After that I expect to go to [Buckingham] Palace and offer my resignation, so we’ll have a new prime minister in that building behind me by Wednesday evening,” he said, indicating the prime minister’s residence at Number 10 Downing Street.

In a short statement, Cameron said Leadsom had made “absolutely the right decision to stand aside” in the Tory leadership contest, adding that May had the “overwhelming support” of the parliamentary party.

He said May was “strong,” “competent” and that “she will have my full support.”

One of May’s first jobs will be a Cabinet reshuffle. Senior figures that have supported her leadership, including Chris Grayling, Liam Fox, David Davis, Priti Patel, James Brokenshire and Brandon Lewis, are in line for promotions into the Cabinet. May is also expected to give roles to key leadership backers Karen Bradley, Gavin Williamson, Simon Kirby and George Hollingbery.

Long-standing Chancellor George Osborne is expected to be replaced at the Treasury following May’s stark criticism of his record in a speech Monday morning.

Leadsom quit the Tory leadership race after being left devastated by the fallout from an interview she gave to the Times newspaper over the weekend in which she suggested having children gave her an advantage over May. She also admitted that her teenage daughter had been less sure of her leadership bid than her older sons.

Leadsom began the leadership contest as a rank outsider before Michael Gove threw his hat into the ring, derailing Boris Johnson’s ambitions. After Johnson pulled out of the contest, Gove was knocked out after failing to win enough support from MPs.

In the final round of voting Thursday, May won the support of 199 Tory MPs to Leadsom’s 84.

In her announcement Monday Leadsom said she did not think she had enough support among Tory MPs to run a stable government. She said new leadership was needed “urgently” to begin the work of pulling out of the European Union. “A nine-week leadership campaign at such a critical moment for our country is highly undesirable,” she said.

“Theresa May carries over 60 percent of the support from the parliamentary party. She is ideally placed to implement Brexit on the best possible terms for the British people and she has promised that she will do so.”

“For me personally, to have won the support of 84 colleagues last Thursday was a great expression of confidence to which I am incredibly grateful. Nevertheless, this is less than 25 percent of the parliamentary party and after careful consideration, I don’t believe this is sufficient support to lead a strong and stable government, should I win the leadership election.”

Leadsom said that the interests of the country were best served “by the immediate appointment of a strong and well-supported prime minister.”

Her announcement casts the Tories in stark contrast to the Labour Party, whose leader Jeremy Corbyn is facing a leadership challenge after losing the support of 80 percent of his MPs. Corbyn, however, has refused to stand down.
Angela Eagle, the former shadow business secretary, confirmed Monday that she had triggered a leadership contest after winning the support of enough MPs to challenge Corbyn.

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