
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The interest of German business in Ukraine continues to grow

"The interest of German business in Ukraine continues to grow," declared on 26 July 2016 Mr. Michael Harms, Chief Executive Officer of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, during a meeting with Ms. Olena Zerkal, temporary acting Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The parties discussed important short-term measures aimed to intensify bilateral trade and economic cooperation, namely: the 2nd Ukrainian-German Investment Conference to be held in Kyiv; opening of the joint Ukrainian-German Chamber of Commerce and the 9th High Level Group meeting on economic cooperation.

Mr. Harms informed about a scheduled for this September visit of a German business delegation headed by Mr. Wolfgang Buhele, Chairman of the German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations (CEEER). He stressed on the readiness of CEEER to initiate Ukrainian-German projects on promotion of Ukrainian goods in international markets.

Chief Executive Officer of the CEEER gave a positive assessment of the implementation of system reforms in Ukraine and expressed readiness to assist in the spreading of information on reforms in Ukraine among business circles in Europe.

Ms. Olena Zerkal, temporary acting Minister, informed German interlocutor about Russia ignoring its obligations under the Minsk agreements and recurring Kremlin's attempts to aggravate the security situation in Donbas.

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