
Sunday, July 10, 2016

Level of Ukraine-NATO cooperation is unprecedented - Joint statement of Ukraine-NATO Commission

The participants of the Ukraine-NATO Commission have discussed further enhancement of cooperation in the framework of the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership.
“We have discussed the plans of Ukraine on the reforms and its progress in their implementation. We have also approved a comprehensive aid package for Ukraine and exchanged views on the security situation in Ukraine,” as stated in the Joint Statement of the Ukraine-NATO Commission.

The parties praised the efforts of the Ukrainian President aimed at peaceful settlement of the conflict: “We are united in our support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, as well as its integral right to decide its future and foreign policy without outside interference, as required by the Helsinki Final Act”.
The purpose of the Comprehensive Aid Package is to consolidate NATO support for Ukraine to become more stable, ensure security and implement reforms. “We praise the adoption of the Strategic Defense Bulletin that will become a road map of the defense reform of Ukraine,” as noted in the statement.
The statement reads that “Russia continues aggressive actions undermining sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of Ukraine and violating the international law. This seriously affects stability and security of the entire Euro-Atlantic region”.
“We express our decisive support for the full implementation of the Minsk agreements and commend the Normandy format and the Trilateral Contact Group aimed at the solution of the conflict by peaceful and diplomatic means,” as stated in the document.

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