
Friday, June 17, 2016

The growth of the European community: Charts, maps and infographics

ON APRIL 18th 1951, exalted by the trappings of empire, ministers from West Germany, Italy, France and the three Benelux countries put their names to the Treaty of Paris, the founding document of what, four decades later, was to become the European Union. Fitted out as a scheme to manage the production of coal and steel, the treaty was at its heart a Franco-German peace accord. In keeping with its surroundings, its physical instantiation was sumptuous and symbolic. Were they alive today, those ministers would be amazed by how their successors have crammed that empty page full to bursting with institutions and countries. The EU has a court, a parliament, an executive and a president (several presidents, in fact), an apparatus much of which can be traced back to that spring day in 1951. And it has been fundamental to a great historical shift. 

In a continent whose history is written in blood, the idea of France, Germany or any of the large European states taking up arms against each other has become unthinkable. The community started out with six members, four languages, 177m people and (in 2014 money) $1.6 trillion in annual output. Today’s EU has 28 members, 24 languages, 505m people and a GDP of $19 trillion.

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