
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Russia’s top enemies: US, Ukraine, Turkey and Poland

Russians also included Lithuania and Latvia in their list of top foes in a poll.

Russians believe their main enemies in the world are the U.S., Ukraine and Turkey, and 62 percent have a poor opinion of the EU, according to a Levada Center poll that measures sentiments towards other countries.

Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, India and Armenia are Russia’s five best friends in the world, according to the poll.

The countries Russians were most hostile towards, according to a Levada Center poll.
USAUkraineTurkeyPolandLatviaLithuaniaGermanyUKEstoniaGeorgia01020304050607072482924232319181610% of Russians polled
SOURCE: The Levada Center, 2016

The majority of those polled said they would either probably or definitely oppose Russia joining the EU, and 65 percent said they wouldn’t be concerned if the EU fell apart as a result of the refugee crisis. While many believed Russia’s relationship with the EU hadn’t changed recently (47 percent), 28 percent were convinced relations were getting worse.

Russians were most hostile towards the United States, with 72 percent picking America as a top-five enemy. Ukraine came second, with 48 percent of those polled believing the country to be a foe.

The Russian public believes they have good relations with the following nations, according to the poll.
BelarusKazakhstanChinaIndiaArmeniaCubaSyriaUzbekistanAzerbaijanKyrgyzstan0510152025303540455050393418131010977% of Russians polled
SOURCE: The Levada Center, 2016

Turkey shot up to the third place, with 29 percent of respondents including it among their top five, up from just 1 percent last year. The result is likely due to Turkey’s downing of a Russian war plane in November, the study’s authors told Russian newspaper Vedomosti.

Poland (24 percent), Latvia (23 percent) and Lithuania (23 percent) rounded out Russia’s top five enemies.

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