
Friday, June 24, 2016

Russia's Duma adopts amended package of anti-terrorist bills

Russia's State Duma has adopted in the third and final reading a package of anti-terrorist draft laws submitted by Deputy Irina Yarovaya.

According to the document, the minimum age threshold to be held liable for the acts of purported terrorism is brought down to 14 years, Russia's TV Channel Dozhd reports. Thus, the responsibility for incitement to terrorism and justification of terrorism on the internet has been increased. The Criminal Code also introduces the article "Failure to report a crime." The maximum penalty under this article is a one-year imprisonment.

The bill also requires mobile communication operators to store customer data for six months and to provide this information to law enforcement agencies upon request. This means personal correspondence, phone calls, and electronic files sent or received by users. A person is now subject to criminal liability for participation in mass riots, hijacking, organizing an illegal armed group and for failing to report crimes, starting from 14 years of age.

More details by Russian

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