
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

NAPC – Preventative pro-activity

The 15th August is meant to see the e-declarations of those Ukrainian officials holding the uppermost positions within Ukraine.
Wisely, and clearly in a bid to insure both ease of compliance and avoid deliberate or accidental error during completion, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption is to launch a large-scale information campaign insuring those that must complete e-declarations know how to do so.  The campaign begins on Friday 24th.
That said, undoubtedly completion errors will occur.  Ergo the NAPC being a preventative body, rather than an enforcing/policing body, will no doubt have a lot of “clarification” to make regarding submissions – regardless of how much any training/instruction/explanation of an “Idiot’s Guide to e-declarations” .

How to differentiate between erroneously completed returns with no ill-intent vis a vis erroneously completed returns with deliberate and nefarious intent?
Who decides upon the mens rea of a completing official when an erroneously completed return is in fact a deliberate and calculated act, and worthy of notification to the National Anti Corruption Bureau (NABU)? (Or not.)
Nevertheless, for once in Ukraine this is an instance of a preventative agency acting proactively in an attempt to insure all those that are affected understand what they are meant to do and how to do it – something that simply doesn’t happen enough.  Bravo.

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