
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

President: Judicial reform is protection of rights of citizens to justice and truth

President Petro Poroshenko urged people’s deputies to support constitutional amendments on judicial reform and new edition of the Law on Judiciary and Status of Judges.

The Head of State called these changes revolutionary, for they provide a real reboot of the judicial system. “Judicial reform is a reform of reforms. It is a protection of rights of citizens to justice and truth,” Petro Poroshenko said at the meeting with leaders of parliamentary factions and groups.
The President stated that previous “superficial” changes would not improve the situation in the judicial sphere.
Petro Poroshenko expressed gratitude to the deputies who had voted for the constitutional amendments on judiciary in the first reading. “This has created a unique opportunity to complete this position and ensure all foundations of the judicial system: independence, depoliticization, efficient liability and renewal of the judicial corps,” the Head of State noted.
The reform provides for a drastic change of the judicial immunity system, which will provide an opportunity to bring corrupt judges to justice.
The Head of State is confident that it is also necessary to approve a new edition of the law on judiciary.
He emphasized that the new law provided for depoliticization of the judicial system and decreased his influence on it. The appointment of judges for a 5-year term by the President is abolished. The Head of State will only have a right to sign the candidature submitted for consideration by the Supreme Council of Justice.
Supreme specialized courts will also be liquidated. The court of cassation will be established for guaranteeing the right to justice of Ukrainian citizens. The Supreme Council of Justice will additionally have a civil council that will ensure real public influence on transparency of competition and candidates.
According to the President, these draft amendments to the Constitution have been fully endorsed by the Ukrainian partners - leadership of the European Commission, EU, USA, Council of Europe and Venice Commission.
The Head of State urged people’s deputies to do everything possible to ensure efficient voting. Failure to adopt these amendments will conserve the existing system for a long time, because the Parliament will have the right to consider amendments to the Constitution next time not earlier than in a year.
Chairman of the Parliament urged people’s deputies to be fully responsible during the voting. “We have a unique chance to implement the judicial reform. All other reforms are crashing on the rocks of corrupt courts like waves,” he said.
“There are some issues that should be put out of political debate. Without exaggeration, we can say that there will be no other chance for such a decisive step in the coming months. We all know the specifics of the parliamentary activity. We all know how difficult it will be to convene people’s deputies in June or July. We will have a chance to make this decisive step this Thursday,” Andriy Parubiy concluded.

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