
Friday, May 27, 2016

President enacted NSDC decision on personal sanctions against Russian propagandists

President Petro Poroshenko signed Decree on the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of May 20, 2016 on Several Personal Special Restrictive Measures (Sanctions).

This Decree enacts the NSDC decision on the imposition of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) until December 31, 2017 against individuals who pose real or potential threats to national interests, national security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, facilitate terrorist activity and violate rights and freedom of citizens, lead to occupation of territories and create obstacles for the full implementation of rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens.

The list of individuals includes CEO of Channel One Konstantin Ernst, Editor-in-Chief of Andrey Surkov, owner of Pravda.Ru Vadim Gorshenin, Director General of TASS news agency Sergey Mikhailov, former CEO of LifeNews Ashot Gabrelyanov, Editor-in-Chief of Russia Today TV channel Margarita Simonyan.

The Cabinet of Ministers and the Security Service of Ukraine are instructed to ensure the efficiency of sanctions.

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine must inform respective authorities of the EU, USA and other states on the imposition of sanctions and raise the issue of imposing similar sanctions against the abovementioned individuals.

NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov shall be responsible for the fulfillment of the given decision.

The decree takes effect from the date of publication.

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