
Sunday, May 29, 2016

President: Elections in Donbas are possible only after full implementation of the Minsk agreements

President Petro Poroshenko emphasizes that holding of elections in the occupied territories of Donbas is possible only after full implementation of the Minsk agreements by Russia and pro-Russian militants. It goes about the withdrawal of occupation troops from the entire Ukrainian territory, restoration of Ukrainian control over the border and deployment of the OSCE armed police mission for preventing the supply of new units of Russian troops, ammunition and mercenaries.

“Then we will hold the elections under the OSCE standards and the Ukrainian legislation, with participation of the international observers, Ukrainian parties, candidates and media. There is no other option,” the Head of State noted in his speech on the occasion of the Day of the Border Guard.

Petro Poroshenko emphasized that such a position of Ukraine had been outlined in the Peace Plan and the Minsk agreements. It has also been endorsed by the international community. “This position is supported by our partners from the EU, USA and the entire pro-Ukrainian coalition. This position is a basis for the UN Security Council’s decision and the imposition of sanctions against Russia,” the President said.

The Head of State emphasized that the G7 had recently approved a decision to prolong sanctions against Russia due to the non-fulfillment of its commitments.

Petro Poroshenko noted that the President of the country-aggressor wanted political settlement in Donbas before ceasefire. “It is their understanding of elections under the muzzles of Putin’s soldiers,” the Head of State said adding that such a scenario fully contradicted with the Minsk agreements.

“The restoration of Ukrainian control over the border is a key issue in the Minsk agreements,” the President emphasized.

The Head of State added that the President of Russia could ensure ceasefire, because “Russian soldiers and their mercenaries open fire by command of Russian commanders”. Respective evidence has been provided by the Security Service of Ukraine and the Chief Reconnaissance Office.

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