
Monday, May 30, 2016

NABU launches probe into allegations of "black accounts" of Party of Regions

Ukraine’s newly-created anti-corruption watchdog, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, has launched an investigation based on the statement of the former first deputy chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine, Viktor Trepak, according to the NABU’s website.

A corresponding entry to the database of pretrial investigations was made on Monday, May 30 by the Bureau’s detectives. According to the preliminary information, there are signs of a crime having been committed under part 4 Article 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (offering, promising or giving an undue advantage to an official).

"A public statement made by the former first deputy chairman of the SBU, V.Trepak, has deprived the Bureau of certain operational capabilities. It is also puzzling that the corresponding statement and [information about] the documents V.Trepak had at his disposal he chose to provide to the media before applying to the NABU. We understand the high public and media interest in the investigations of the NABU detectives. However, the Bureau continues to emphasize the fact that too much publicity can hinder exposure of corruption offenses and bringing those responsible to justice," reads the statement.

Therefore the NABU urges those who really want to contribute to the disclosure of corruption schemes to first contact the NABU rather than address the media or the public.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Viktor Trepak in an interview with Dzerkalo Tyzhnya weekly said that he had handed to NABU the documents which confirm payments by the Party of Regions of illegal cash to a number of the former and current high-ranking officials.

The former first deputy head of the SBU told about the illegal payments by the Party of Regions totaling almost $2 billion.

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