
Saturday, May 28, 2016

NABU director confirms receipt of Regions Party's 'black cash' list

Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Artem Sytnyk has confirmed the information printed in mass media on the transfer of the "black cash list" of the Regions Party to the bureau.
"Yesterday [on May 27] we received the documents," Sytnyk told Interfax-Ukraine on Saturday.
The Dzerkalo Tyzhnia weekly on Saturday published an interview with the former first deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Viktor Trepak, who states he has passed to the NABU the documents that confirm the illegal payments by the Party of Regions of cash to a number of former and incumbent high-ranking officials. According to him, the matter concerns the so called second set of books of the Regions Party with payments for a total of about $2 billion.

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