
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Volodymyr Groysman: Government will set a single price for gas for the population, increase social standards and abolish the taxation of pensions

The Government will set a single price for gas for the population, increase social standards and abolish the taxation of pensions. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman at the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, April 27.
Volodymyr Groysman noted that the decision to introduce a single price for gas corresponds to the international obligations of Ukraine under the Memorandum on cooperation with the International Monetary Fund.

"Now this decision can be, in particular, a certain decrease in the price of gas to 3 million consumers," Prime Minister said. He recalled that the price of gas is $ 7200 USD. In accordance with the proposed decision, the price will be reduced to USD 6879.
Volodymyr Groysman noted that the decision to set a single price for gas will allow defeating corruption.
"However, we have to care for every citizen of Ukraine, who faces difficulties. The subsidy system will be so effective that those who do not have a high income will receive targeted governmental assistance," he said.
Simultaneously with this decision the Government submits to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine two draft laws: on abolishment of the taxation of pensions since May 1, and on improving social standards since December 1, not by 6% as it was planned, but by 10%.
"I am confident that we will be socially responsible in the future and with the growth of the economy we will always understand that we need to fulfill the social contract before the Ukrainians", he said.
The Prime Minister also noted that before the heating season additional mechanism how to facilitate to citizens the burden of paying for utilities will be found.
Volodymyr Groysman noted that the existence of different gas prices on the domestic market has always been an area of abuse. Gas, "which would be cheaper for the population" was sold at commercial price. So the budget difference the government was forced to compensate, said the Head of Government.
Appropriate decision on a single price for gas will provide energy independence. "We have been dependent on Russian gas for decades, - Volodymyr Groysman said. - The task of our Government is to do everything in order to be energy independent without imported gas."
To this end one of the priorities of the Government is to increase its own production of gas, which is cheaper than imported. According to him, 50% of gas price produced in Ukraine will be transferred to the State budget.
Transparent market-based gas prices will stimulate active energy efficiency and create tens of thousands of jobs in Ukraine.
The Prime Minister calls on citizens to treat with understanding to this complicated decision.

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